Book direct for Best Price
When you make a booking directly with Alpha Hotels & Resorts on our website, or by calling/emailing the hotel, you are guaranteed to get the best and fairest price available. We make this possible by committing to the following:
- Rates on Alpha websites will be 5% lower than any other website.
- No Booking Fees – other competing hotels can charge more than $5.50 per booking.
- No Fees to change or amend your booking up to 24 hours prior to arrival (excludes “Non-Refundable” rates).
If you have questions or special requests do not hesitate to contact us.
![Alpha Hotel Eastern Creek - Club King Room](
Best Price Promise
The Best Price Promise is our guarantee that you will always find the best publicly available room rate on our website
If you find a cheaper overall price on another public channel, for the same hotel, type of room, with the same conditions and restrictions, and for the same date(s), at the same time, we will not only match that lower room price, we’ll give you an additional 10% discount off the total price of the booking, subject to the Best Price Promise Terms and Conditions.
Changing an Existing Reservation
Bookings that allow for amendments in the conditions may be requested by emailing the hotel reservations email or calling the hotel directly.